Cathedral Glass?

Started by Paula, February 08, 2007, 05:36:54 PM

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I'm thinking about having a go at glass fusing.Looking at Bullseye glass,I saw Transparent Glass,Opalescent Glass,both of which I understand,but Cathedral Glass,what is that,and should I need any?


Hi and welcome Dream.... I'd love to give you a sensible answer to your question but I have no idea.  The only thing is that you need to make sure of the COE of the glass when you fuse and my understanding whilst cathedral glass is beautifu the COE is variable


Phew Littlegiggles,and thank you for answering.I thought I was missing something obvious,transparent glass is obvious..but cathedral...?If I remember rightly it was all Bullseye COE 90.
I suppose I could just use some and see what happens.


sounds like a plan and dont forget to show us... we love ooogling glass here


Quote from: Dream on February 08, 2007, 09:43:53 PM
Phew Littlegiggles,and thank you for answering.I thought I was missing something obvious,transparent glass is obvious..but cathedral...?If I remember rightly it was all Bullseye COE 90.
I suppose I could just use some and see what happens.

Spectrum is 96 COE.  Check out for lots of help and links.



cathedral glass is a brand of stained glass that gives good results in fusing, see the pics in my diary of a first time fuser!!


O'wat's things ??
It's been ever so quiet here ;)

Les xx

I see Cathedral glass mentioned a lot with stained glass too... I must get swatting up on this sheet glass stuff... only ever done rods, me :)


Thank you everyone for your help.This place seems friendly,I may even be brave enough to take pics of my molten blobs when I've made  them!



My understanding is that "cathedral glass" is just transparent glass that is monochromatic (single colored) Not all cathedral glass would be compatible for fusing. Spectrum Glass and Bullseye Glass both make cathedral glasses but they are not compatible with one another. Even cathedral glasses within one manufacturer may not even be compatible. If you are not buying "tested compatible" glass, you should test fuse pieces before using them.

Kilns, Torches, Tools & Supplies for Lampworking and Fusing


Yes....what he said :D

There is a glass supplier up the road who sells cathedral glass offcuts really cheaply, I dont know if cathedral glass is different over here to what Jim has in America but the guy at Newquay glass says the local college has had good results and I have been using it because I got sick of the sight of clear window glass. I think practice on what you like as long as it is off the same line or sheet of glass and you only want to look at it until it cracks.

Newquay glass......01637 873233   prices start at £2.50 for a nice little stack

Really nice chaps there and very helpful. I have had a play with this cathedral glass and had some results that I like, I shall make one into a pendant but I wouldnt dare give anything or sell it in case it fell apart.