using fibre paper in tack fuse

Started by Virginia Rose, November 21, 2015, 09:24:06 PM

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Virginia Rose

I have been commissioned to make a Poppy Plaque.  I have fused together )full fuse) two pieces of 3mm Tekta glass. I want to put the petals on next and to give them contour can I put fibre paper under the edges to give them contour and shape instead of being flat before I tack fuse them.  I am 80 yrs young and am making glass in memory of my son and I am loving all aspects of it..Would appreciate your advice..Thank you  VR


Hi and Welcome.  Yes, I believe you can do this.  I haven't done it myself yet, but here is a link 
if you read down to nearly the end this tells you how to do it for dragonfly wings.  there are loads of interesting things to be found on this website, so just dip in and learn.  Best of luck, and we'd love to see a picture of your plaque when it's done.



Thanks for that link Nick, loads of fab projects in there.

Virginia - would love to see the project when you've one it. Sounds lovely.