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gallery archive 08

Started by beads-on-toast, January 01, 2008, 11:13:04 AM

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Saffie - that bottom set is beautiful  :)

Vika - the frog is fun!

I'm determined to get on top of my dot technique so have been practising. I'm still working on it but am quite pleased with these ones  :)


Oooh maira louisa, thats beautiful :P

I've been playing with posh glass ::)


my humble offerings this week, i smashed 3, these survived, but i amd reordering mandrels as we speak, this size is too big, so the metal has split. Simple fritter designs for practice

and this was the first one - a keeper me thinks


It's my anniversary - 1 year on from when I first lit my torch, so this is what I made on 17th February 2007

and this is my latest bead. The first encased floral that hasn't smeared, disappeared or had so many bubbles it should float.

Val Cox Frit - Thai and Bali Silver 


I really, really like all the beads shown in this thread, most inspiring!

Dora, your BT is beautiful, and quite different from mine.

I recently learned how to make a BT-bracelet from Maria Louisa, this is the first one I ever made:

It's so relaxing to make these Beaded Treasures, that meanwhile I've made two other sets of little beads, that will travel with me to Switzerland February 29th, so that I'll be able to make two more bracelets during the evening hours (sort of an apres-ski but different! )
Love, Karin


Gorgeous bracelets necklaces and beads from everyone - Caroline love your sets particularly this week !

Something a bit different for me this week


There sure is a lot of candy in this thread!!

Yesterday I made these beads, according to a tutorial from Isi Merkel in Vorsicht Glas nr. 4 :

They're not difficult and lots of fun to make!
Love, Karin


Ahh, the flowers, and teh scrollwork, and all the other beads! Beautiful!!!
I made another goddess, without silicone this time :-)
Regards, Verena
Glasperlenwerk - My bead-site with blog (German) -
Vetromagic - Frit and fritblends in COE 104 -


Afina, your goodess is beautiful

Fiona, your pillows are fab ;D

These are all I've made this half term week ::)


Oh Julie they are seriously beautiful, when I have spare dosh I want one!!!! If you ever fancy a swaps nudge me, you know where I am (fingers crossed!!!!)

Here's what I made on my 1 day of torching in 3 weeks  >:(

Thats it now! I'll stop hogging! My excuse is that I havent used show and tell for weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeks!


a psyche and ivory twistie bead, white base,
been having fun with twistie,
think i have the hang of the photo thing now!


Lovely beads here, my favourites are, the first flower bead is beautiful Julie, shame the bead release broke but it always happens to me with the heavier beads.
Clare - superb, love them especially the first set.
Miriam - those are so springlike and funky.

Some from me then

I am trying a new shape and style of vessel

Everyone is gifted, its just that some leave the wrapping on longer than others
(Richard Wilkins)

My Etsy


Super show and tell already - and wow Claire, I love Dali's Party.

I don't often dare to post but I have actually made 2 sets, Anyone following the bracelet exchange thread will know I struggle with sets  ::)

'Viking' beads for my grandson

and a little something in pink



Gorgeous stuff!!! Somehow you can tell by many of the beads that spring is in the air!
Becky, I just love your etched goddesses, they have a wonderful satin look

This is (amongst others) what I have been up to last week. I used Maria Louisa's off centre lentil press for this one:

Love, Karin

Maria Louisa

Love the blue goddess, the brown one is beautiful too (except her boobies are a bit large).

Here are some from me (on my favourite colours of purples):