erm, 'interesting' request from a customer...

Started by lampworklover, June 23, 2010, 08:36:29 PM

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Quote from: lampworklover on June 24, 2010, 07:55:40 AM
LOL at you lot!

I remember the book, 'knitting with dog hair', wondered who would ever buy it, now I know  ;D

as a dog groomer i had to didnt i ?
its very detailed on how to spin wool from different dogs hair,.... was always worried about the smell if i got rained on wearing a retriever cardi.....and that urge to shake myself dry....ok im going now  :)


Nothing to do with the original question, but I am just wondering why do you think knitting with dog hair is so yuk? Wool is hair of sheep anyway, isn´t it? The dog hair just not felt as well as sheep´s - depends of dog of course.


Quote from: Maikki on June 29, 2010, 06:52:33 PM
Nothing to do with the original question, but I am just wondering why do you think knitting with dog hair is so yuk? Wool is hair of sheep anyway, isn´t it? The dog hair just not felt as well as sheep´s - depends of dog of course.

Well. from my owen personal point of view, I am owned by two springer spaniels, one of whom has a penchant for rolling in fox poo  :o :o ;D ;D ;D



You know people who treat their pets like their children and are totally and inappropriately obsessed with them, it's a bit like taking that one step further...  "look I'm wearing a Mr Snuffles jumper, It's almost like we're never apart..."

-* -  Courage is going from failure to failure with out loosing enthusiasm -*-


Quote from: Krysia on June 30, 2010, 09:51:26 AM


You know people who treat their pets like their children and are totally and inappropriately obsessed with them, it's a bit like taking that one step further...  "look I'm wearing a Mr Snuffles jumper, It's almost like we're never apart..."

If you put it that way... yuck!
I was going to say that the sheep arent that clean either.


I've seen jumpers knitted with dog hair and didn't know it until the person told told me, and the wool was beautiful and soft. A bit like cashmere!

tinchick does one feel about incorporating ashes in the glass work?  A family member of my other half died a year or two back and it was something that was offered, a paperweight or vessel with the ashes incoprporated (not all of them!) I couldn't decide, my brain thought it a rather nice idea, but my heart screamed NO!  And I was eternally grateful to the OH when he declined the offer of such a memento.  :o

Blue Box Studio

At the risk of being ridiculed for life here, I've actually spun and knitted dog hair - it was for an exhibition, I made a jacket which I then gave to my FiL.  Yes it was clean, no it didn't smell of wet dog and despite his jokes he was not followed by every bitch in the town.  On the plus side it never shrunk or matted in the wash, was very warm (he had Reynaud's disease) and it outlasted most other jumpers he had even though he wore it alot.  Yes it was a one-off.

As for animal body parts, there was a seller on Etsy ages back (might still be there) who was gold plating squirrel hearts.  Apparently no animals were harmed in the making of her items but it still freaked me out.  There was also someone on there selling earrings made from butterfly wings - allegedly from dead ones before the wings were removed.
Website ~ Etsy ~ Blog ~ Flickr


Ok well I really could not resist this so pardon the pun....
Hair today gone sorry! ::)

etsy-header-dec12 by vonnie.t, on Flickr


Quote from: Krysia on June 30, 2010, 09:51:26 AM


You know people who treat their pets like their children and are totally and inappropriately obsessed with them, it's a bit like taking that one step further...  "look I'm wearing a Mr Snuffles jumper, It's almost like we're never apart..."

PMSL so funny xx


I've met someone who has a jumper made from his dogs hair.  Yuck


lol i thought u might have a request like the ones i get! i get some doooozies!
penis shaped beads are one. (when asked if i make life size ones i say that i dont blow. heehee)
i have also done some beads with a friend's mother's ashes in them. (bothered me a bit bc i knew the lady)
seems people always think we can just stick anything into glass, scraps of lace from a wedding dress was one request. no matter how many times i tried to explain to her that i could not place lace in a hot flame, she just kept insisting that since i could put flowers in them, why couldnt i put lace in the beads.  ::) 
pay it forward, do unto others, judge ye not and just be nice!


There is a seller on esty or misi that makes womb and kidney badges out of glass, is that anyone on here??

We have a westie and when we brush her we end up with a carrier bag of fur so if anyone wants a go at spinning fur I can save you some???

Laura x


I can give you the contents of the vacuum.... No?  oh well it wouldn't have been fun bagging it up.

I am not very good with hair that isn't attached.  You might have guessed.  Bad experience in a supposedly cleaned room at university.  I guess that I'm not bothered about sheep as by the time it gets to me it isn't very sheep like.
-* -  Courage is going from failure to failure with out loosing enthusiasm -*-


" does one feel about incorporating ashes in the glass work?"

I did them once for a friend. Her mom had passed away. I felt honored that she wanted me to do it. But...once I opened the urn i felt sick. It really bothered me. I wore gloves and treated the ashes with reverance. i had to keep telling myself that this was a for a friend. I don't think that I would do it again, maybe...but doubtful.
pay it forward, do unto others, judge ye not and just be nice!