marble marver vs marble press

Started by saffie, September 29, 2009, 02:27:12 PM

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OK I have just bought a marble marver from the lovely Maria Louisa and am now wondering if I should have waited and got the press. I am really struggling to spin the glass in the marver I start off the same as I do with other presses. make a barrel slightly short of the sides of the marble size I want and then gradually add glass but it is simply not always working is it just practice or would a press be better

I am curious to hear your thoughts
Sam xx


I love my marver one - I make a tube quite a bit shorter - then add glass at the ends to look like a dumbell - melt in. Tne just as it's a little short of being ready - I marver it slightly to mak sure the ends are a little dimpled (if they aren't already) then add a little more to finish off!

Try again - and have fun!

Trudi x


I have the press and only use half of it. I make the barrel as you are but Trudi gave me a great tip, add wraps of glass to each end of the barrel so it looks like a dumbell, then heat in the middle and it will naturally go to a ball shape. Use just the front or back ege of the press to shape, add more glass to the ends if needs be. HTH's


Ha Ha, the lady herself answered too.


I bought one from Martin last week Sam, finding it quite easy to use,
I think the glass wrap dumbell thingymajig sounds about right, but I have my mandrel spinning quite quickly before it gets near the marver and that seems to work a treat, only made 3 so far but all nice and smooth and round!! keep trying and you will get it.

Glass..Glass..Glorious Glass...nothing quite like it for draining your cash!!!!!


Helen G

Quote from: hollergrafik on September 29, 2009, 02:40:11 PM
I have the press and only use half of it. I make the barrel as you are but Trudi gave me a great tip, add wraps of glass to each end of the barrel so it looks like a dumbell, then heat in the middle and it will naturally go to a ball shape. Use just the front or back ege of the press to shape, add more glass to the ends if needs be. HTH's

I was given pretty much the same top tip from the lovely Lorna Prime. I only use the top half of mine  ;)


PPP it is then ladies thank you so much for your comments. I struggle a bit with presses so will just keep going