Kiln problem

Started by Glassy Lou, May 11, 2014, 04:06:27 PM

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Glassy Lou

I have a jenken chilli pepper toolbox kiln for annealing. Normally I set it to go afap to 500°c and hold there for 12 hours while I melt and I garage as I go.
Today when i switched it on the temperature rose as normal until it got to about 480°c and then just started to lose heat.
There's no clicking from the relay so I've assumed it's that and have ordered a new one to try, but when the relay went before the temperature didn't rise at all from what it started at. It just seems like it might be a different problem.
I'd be grateful if anyone's got any ideas...

Lee - Kilncare

Try it again.
If it was the relay then it failed at 480 and won't work again 9 times out 10.

If you try it again and again it fails at 480, that is around the point that I would expect the controller to start thinking about it's 500c target so it may be an internal trouble in the controller.

Could be a few other less catastrophic things but there is a start point.

TWITTER @kilncare

Glassy Lou

Thanks for that Lee,
Tbh I've had it for six years now (it's been going strong since it's last paddy almost two years ago) and I bought it second-hand so it's an old boy.
If it's not the relay I'm giving up and you'll be getting an order from me.
As a matter of interest, do you keep the maxi/Maxine in stock?

bob proulx

I sounds like the relay. I had a the same problem recently. It's a good thing the relay failed in the open position.