Glass cutters - two questions - this is the 1st

Started by Grody, December 10, 2010, 02:19:22 PM

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omg you girls have given me the best giggle i've had in weeks  ;D


as long as you leave the cheese I don't care! I'm not sure, but I think I might love cheese just as much as puddings!


I do hope we haven't scared you off Grody...what's this about a second question...*sometimes* we just stick to sensible glass answers...

might want to start a new thread though, this ones been so thoroughly derailed I think people might be a little disappointed to see it return to a glassy level of normality.


 Grody thanks for posting your question, even though it wasn't quite the answer you was looking for it lead to this thread really cheering me up :) Do you feel brave enough to ask the second question?  ::)


But its soooooooo much fun, poor Grody must be wondering why the hell they bothered ;D


Um, I'm confused, what was the question?

Do I have to point out the obvious as to why you don't go over the score line twice?


Because everyone knows once you cross THAT line there is no going back?


I think Grody has grabbed a pie and run for the touchline :o

Are we all bonkers or is it just the gas fumes?


I'm bonkers FOR the gas fumes if thats any help?


Well, its too cold to torch so some people are getting bored and antsy obviously and need to be distracted by pudding to take their mind of things. :)

Pat from Canvey

And here I was expecting a thread about the relative merits of different glass cutters. Jammie, it's not too cold for me to torch. I torch indoors in the central heating. Sorry to rub it in but I sometimes get a little ansty about people referring to their glorious shedios.


just a thought... but would the wheeled glass cutter be doubling as a pie cutter in this instance? And as for the original question surely this slew of randomness in response is just desserts?


Thanks guys, best laugh I've had in ages.  ;D   ;D   ;D
Janine  xx

"You only retire when you stop doing something you don't like and start doing something you do"


Pat, luckily I am indoors too, the utility room that wanted to be a conservatory but didnt make it , even with heating its been really cold. Its not so much the cold stopping me though as not feeling up to it, so definetly antsy and eating a lot of puddin!  :) See you are torching and you  didnt mention a need for puddin, my theory still holds!!  ::) :D