Join me in a 40 bead challenge?

Started by JaySpangles, September 17, 2013, 11:14:53 PM

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I have been without a shedio since November, but my new one is up and running.  In the meantime I have been reading lots of lampy stuff, including a thread on another forum about Heather Trimlett's  40 bead challenge, and I thought it would be an ideal way to get back into the beady groove.

Would anyone like to join me?  (I have been in touch with Heather and she gives us her blessing)

It's not a swap, or a competition, just a learning and developing process.  The idea is to make 40 beads using no tools whatsoever, all a similar size and only melted in dots for decoration.

This is a note from Heather about her challenge:
"For the 40-bead project I want them done one per mandrel. It's not about making the beads fast, it's about thinking about the one bead you are working on. This whole thing is as much about watching your brain process – that's why I want them made over a period of time rather than all at once – as it is about learning how the glass moves."

It is in your own time, no deadline, so you can do it at your own speed and join in when you want.  I will keep the thread updated with people's progress, and a list of who is participating with details of their colour choices.  Please post pictures of your progress, Heather suggests we do them in small groups, maybe 5 per session, so we can digest what we have learnt, and plot and plan new variations.

Here are the rules, please click on the link to download the entire PDF with important information:

Don't forget to send a picture of your 40 beads to Heather at the end of the exercise! Her email is on the pdf. She will post them in her Pinterest board:

Excerpt from Heather:
• 1/8" mandrels (I didn't have any 3mm mandrels so I used 2.4mm)
• Two colors of highly contrasting opaque glass rods (for example, black & white, or turquoise & lapis etc.). Use only these two colors.

• NO TOOLS! Heat & gravity are your only "tools". (I am watching you!)

Make 40 beads:
• about 1/2"–5/8" in diameter
• using DOTS only as a decorative element
• melting ALL dots in - NO BUMPS at this time
• 5-6 beads at a time and take a break, work over a series of days (NOT 40 beads in one day)
Only one bead per mandrel

Make each bead with a different pattern; random dots are fine, but experiment with precise dot patterns as well. Vary the size & placement pattern of the dots. Use no tools other than your mandrel. Yes, I love tools too, but I want you to understand the glass and how it moves, and you can't do that if you are manipulating it with a tool.

Keep your beads on a string in chronological order. You will be amazed at the progress you make between bead #1 and
bead #40!

I need to know your name and what colours you choose so I can make my list.

I hope lots of you will join me.  I have chosen my colours and done my first beads.   Will post photos in another post.



anfrank - Turquoise and Ivory
Angie -
AnnaSpanna - Anna Reichenbach Opal Raspberry and Eff Light Grey
Bearyboo - Danielle Black and Effetre Yellow Ochre
BettytheChook - Fiona   Intense Black and White
Binty - Lime Green and Black
BlueKilnBeads - Yvette  CIM Gunmetal & Ivory
Calico Cat - Carole Dirty Martini and CIM Cornflower
CarolB - Black and White
Damselfly Jewellery - Lt ivory and Turquoise
Debbie G -
DementedMagpie - Black and Dark Turquoise
DragonArtGlass - Andrea effetre 212 opaque lime green, and effetre 428 opaque light red.
Enchanted Cobwebs - Helen   Sky blue and Dark Red
Essexgirl -  Medium lapis and Periwinkle
Failariel - Colette Coral and Sky Blue
Flowerjasper - Sandy Effetre pastel Pink & Effetre dark grey
GaysieMay -
GlassByNiki -
GlassyLou- Lou  Lapis and Light Sky Blue
Helenfc - Helen
Helsbels - Helen CIM Adamantium unique and CIM Key lime pie
Ilona - Effetre Dark Silver Plum and Effetre Opaque Grey.
Jayspangles - Janet   CIM Adamantium and Effetre Light Ivory
Jeannette - light red and yellow pastel
Jenefer - Bullseye Cobalt and Periwinkle
Justjules - Pale Sky Blue and Marc Pastille
katherinem - Seashell and Adamantium
katie78 - Purple and Pearl Grey
Kaylee - Vicky Cim Fremen and Grape Ape
Lynnybobs - Lynne.  CIM Tuxedo and Peace
k00m - Kerra  Eff 452 Dark Brown Red and Eff 247 Light Lavender
Kimster - Kim Dark Ivory and Turquoise
MadelineBunyan - Eff purple272 and lt turquoise
marklaird - Lapis Cobalt Blue and Turquoise
Mel - Apricot yellow and petrol green
MoiraHFG - Dk ivory and Copper Green
Nammie - Anna Effetre Purple red and Dk ivory
Nicknack - Nick Effetre Dark Sky Blue and Petal Pink
Nikki - Apricot yellow and Black
Pam - CIM Valentine and Creamsicle
PreciousROC- Rebecca
PurpleCobwebs - Gaynor Lime and Black
Sangemarie - Sandra Lime Green and CIM Grumpy Bear
Sarah- dark periwinkle and dark ivory
Sarah A - Purple and Light Pink
Silkworm - Mary Pistachio green and black
SilverGems89 - Gemma Effetre Purple242 and Black
Skyblue - Lorna Orange and Smurfy
Tish - Blue and Reichenbach opal orange
Tomcat - Mark.  Effetre Periwinkle 1220 and Effetre Black 1064
Trudi - CiM Lapis and Effetre soft grey
Veeka - Middle Blue and White
Yellow friend - Sheila Sage Green and Carrot Red
Yeske - Jeske Ivory and Opaque Brown


Quote from: Glassy Lou on September 21, 2013, 09:10:03 PM
Helen, I've done that too but then had a thought - does that contravene the "40 unique" rule? Or because it's like a negative of the original is it ok...?

I am not going to make the same patterns on any of the beads...  patterns will be unique on all the beads, its just the colour of the base bead that changes. Heather's original photo in her challenge pictures show that she's used black bases for some, white bases for others, but the patterns on each bead is still unique.  Sorry to cause confusion.

Anyway, here are my first eight.   I like 6 of them:

IMG_0036 by Alchemy Lampwork, on Flickr

Does anyone know if we are allowed to remake any we don't like, or is that not allowed?

Glassy Lou

My first batch. Turns out I didn't duplicate any patterns (even though I was sure I had).

40beadsday1 by GlassyLou, on Flickr

I've put all my tools away so I'm not tempted to touch them. I do seem to have lost the ability to make a round bead without the assistance of a roller though...


Tish, yours are coming on really well, I can see your progress already.

I did another 8 today - no more from me now until next weekend.   I really want to mix these up so that the colours alternate, but I'm being good and keeping them in chronological order even though it's killing me!

IMG_0044 by Alchemy Lampwork, on Flickr



By the way, someone mentioned there was a LE thread about this challenge. Anyone got a link?

Here you go:

I notice that there's a second challenge too, to be completed after this one:Project #2 – THREE colors, 1/2" to 1", strive for all the same size, everything else per Heather Trimlett's instructions.  I can see myself moving on to that one after this one -- I'm finding it very addictive.


Hi there, I've decided to come out of hiding and take part in this too! Loving seeing everyone's work so far.

I've decided to use Effetre 452 Dark Brown Red/Wine Red (why does every supplier use a different name for this colour? ::)) & Effetre 247 Light Lavender.

Managed to finally get out to my shed for the first time in months and made 4 beads for this challenge. I wasn't expecting the slight reaction from the Lavender and I've already re-learnt that placing dots on the flame side is annoyingly awkward. Please excuse the somewhat crappy phone photo.

Beads 1-4 by Beadasaur, on Flickr
- Kerra -


Nice! I really like the second one :)

Ok, I've finally settled on a colour combination. I'm gonna be boring and use ivory & opaque brown (I have a whole stock of both of them). These are my first five, in chronological order

I noticed that the brown tends to feather out but I don't really mind. I'm just glad they don't go waterish and blotchy like my first attempt!

Ps. I'm amazed at myself how they all turned out similar size :D


Well here goes - 1st 10 made (well I think there should only be 9 but a smaller test bead obviously photobombed the pic). Anyway, opal raspberry and effetre light grey.  TBH I am not totally convinced by the subtleness of the colour combo but they are pretty enough to warrant forging ahead with it!

Untitled by Rain Lily Beads, on Flickr

Moira HFG

A bit wobbly, I'm afraid. Straight off the mandrel, please excuse bead poo...

40 beads 1 to 6 by sleepychamaeleon, on Flickr


These are my first two test beads to check the colour combo!

CiM Lapis and Effetre Pearl Grey

40 bead challenge by Glittering Prize - Trudi, on Flickr

Yellow friend

Aaagh factor of 10 trying to get photos uploaded.  Have had to work out how to use my DH's Mac having only been used to a VIAO.  Hope the photos are ok   These are 2 sessions worth :)



These are my first 5 beads. Sorry about the awful pick, had to use a different camera.

It was nice to be back at the torch.


So I have a few more beads to add

40 bead challenge ... stage 2 by Glittering Prize - Trudi, on Flickr

Some of my observations ..

figuring out the size of the base bead to allow for the amount of dots to be added.  was also surprised at how much the dots spread out ... opaques do spread out a bit on transparent glass .... Maybe it's the colour choice? 

Also used heat and gravity to swirl the dots around. You do need good heat control for this and spinning skills!  The bead will go a bit more round than donut shaped.

Moira HFG

Some more from me. I've realised that because of the reactions between these two, I can't do precise patterns, but I can work with the reactions; also with reducing the copper green.

Do you know what? My dot placement is actually getting less random. Brilliant!

40 beads 7 to 12 by sleepychamaeleon, on Flickr

40 beads 13 to 17 by sleepychamaeleon, on Flickr