Working stainless steel wire

Started by Moira HFG, March 16, 2018, 03:04:05 PM

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Moira HFG

Can someone please advise?

I've been experimenting with findings in stainless steel wire recently; which I've bought 'soft annealed', and works quite easily. They look fine, but I'd like to be able to forge them a bit to refine the shapes. I'm nervous about using the same tools I use for copper and silver, in case I spoil the surfaces.

Am I being too cautious - or should I get a separate hammer and steel plate?
I wondered about trying to work it hot - but I doubt that .7mm wire will hold heat long enough to do this!

Thanks, metal experts......


I happily forge stainless with the same tools - as long as they're decent quality they'll be more than hard enough to cope with steel, and remember they're made of steel themselves, so there's no contamination risk there. The only thing I keep separate tools for is filing, or any other abrasive process as there is a risk of mixing metals here.

That said, for finer wire, I use medical grade surgical steel rather than regular stainless as it's harder lasts longer to start with.


Moira HFG

Brilliant, thanks very much Mizgeorge! (And so quick!)

I've been using abrasive paper instead of files, I thought that might be a problem. Now to discover if my other tools are decent quality...